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  New Press  

時尚 | Hong Kong
| 大都會 |
Fashion Designer |


自己人生 自己做主

Our own life!


' I have a dream '

Martin Luther King. Jr


We have a dream!


But,  have you ever stopped to think for a while?

但, 我們可曾停下來想過? 

Today, we are too utilitarian, work is rushed, things always drag people away...

今天, 人們太功利, 工作太急促,


It's tough to achieve our dreams

所以, 要達成夢想, 委實太難

Fairynoise tries to interact with designers,

with a new perspective,  

to explore the feasibility of some things and share them with you.




​We hope to work together to make our dreams come true

我們冀望一起努力, 促使夢想達成

Jesse c

Happiness makes your life beautiful

獨特 | Hong Kong |
設計 |
| Product
Designer |

Sponsor by Novelty Lane - a premier online Hong Kong fashion destination since 2011

  The James Dyson Award 2021  

  Designer Talk  

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