總結他們的說法是這樣: 要人性化,要實用,要創新,要美觀...
Photo @Designwanted.com
Original Design
最近我閱讀了一些設計師對其設計想法,其中一篇關於'保溫杯項目',設計師是來自英國布里斯托 (Bristol) - Chris Flynn (Flynn Product Design),就非常引起我興趣,且跟大家分享一下...
Step 1. 構思 Let's think to design unique
Chris 受客戶委託,接受邀請開展'重塑保溫杯項目'項目,我們睇一下他是如何講述其構想.
"I think the unique ability of our species to solve problems is a deeply rooted part of the human experience."
"As a product designer, I am dedicated to creating innovative products that generate emotion and improve people’s lives."
Chris 從開始已經鎖定新產品應該由'根本'做起,新設計必須'獨有而且是唯一'.
最後總結整個設計慨念: '創新 + 能重新使人引起注意 + 改善人們生活'.
Step 2. 定位新保溫杯的'根本' Ensure all basic factors of the new design
Chris 認為以'現代經典'並不是新產品賣點,他認為新保溫杯[使用安全 + 保溫功能 + 防滲漏] 這些使用感,才是這次項目重點.
How could a new reusable cup design improve the coffee drinking experience, ensuring safety from spillages and scalding from hot liquids and removing that drinking through a slot experience, which kills the aroma and partitions the sensory experience?
X Not to mention going for a modern classic form factor.
Step 3. 市場調查 Marketing research
Step 4. 解決'根本'工程核心 Plan & anaylis to solve & fix the core problem
Chris 知道保溫杯要保溫防漏,非常重要2點必須重點處理.
1. 保溫: 團隊知道使用適當物料才能使保溫杯達到最佳保溫功能, 團隊使用了不同物料制作初型,再測試不同物料其保溫效果.
2. 防漏: 密封性
Chris 和團隊,設計了不一樣密封件,又因為構思當初重點為 新設計必須'獨有而且是唯一', 他們為設計做了專利註冊,以確立新產品之唯一.
Step 5. 推出市場後續策略 Sales & Marketing plan
Chris 描述是這樣
Since its launch last year, the TOPL design has successfully gained commercial traction and critical acclaim, from the likes of the Guardian Newspaper through to the GQ Awards, which is the ‘icing on the cake’ for the Flynn Product Design team.
全新保溫杯亦於推出市場後,成功獲得不同媒體關注爭相報導,更獲設計獎,除投資人獲利,Chris 團隊又被人關注,真正是各方都能有所裨益.
總結: 原來設計並非單單指產品本身,還有市場設計,零售設計,仲有好多設計要我們繼續探究!